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Lords news

The latest news on bills, questions, debates and committee work

Total results 1724 (page 59 of 115)
Joint Committee on the draft Online Safety Bill to meet with EU online safety experts to discuss EU Digital Services Act
Committee meet with EU representatives and online safety experts in Brussels on November 8 to discuss their latest plans for digital regulation
25 October 2021
Lords debates Coronavirus Act 2020
Members debate the Act's provisions and regulations on self-isolation. Catch up
25 October 2021
Committee urges NI Secretary to put human rights at heart of Protocol debate
The House of Lords Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland has today published a letter to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland setting out concerns about the implementation of Article 2 of the Protocol, which guarantees that human rights and equality provisions will not be lowered in Northern Ireland as a result of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.
25 October 2021
Facebook, Twitter, Google and TikTok to give evidence on the draft Online Safety Bill
Draft Online Safety Bill committee take evidence at 3pm on Thursday 27 October 2021
25 October 2021
Lords debates Assisted Dying Bill at second reading
Members debate the key areas of a private member's bill to make assisted dying legal. Find out more
25 October 2021
MPs and Peers to hear from Nobel Peace Prize winner
Draft Online Safety Committee take evidence at 9:00am on Wednesday 27 October
24 October 2021
Follow-up inquiry into off-payroll working launched
The House of Lords Finance Bill Sub-Committee launches a new follow-up inquiry on the implementation of the off-payroll rules in the private sector.
22 October 2021
What’s on in the Lords 25-28 October
Discover the latest questions, debates, and bill scrutiny coming up in the House of Lords from Monday 25 October.
22 October 2021
Joint Committee looks into freedom of speech, journalism and children’s rights in the Online Safety Bill
Draft Online Safety Bill Committee take evidence at 9.45am on Thursday 21 October 2021
20 October 2021
Procedure and Privileges Committee publishes Third Report
The Procedure and Privileges Committee publish its Third Report
20 October 2021
House of Lords tributes to Sir David Amess MP
Members of the Lords paid tribute on Monday 18 October
19 October 2021
Committee hears evidence on impact of Protocol on medicine supply to Northern Ireland
On Wednesday 20 October, the Sub-Committee takes evidence on the impact of the Protocol on the provision of medicines to Northern Ireland
15 October 2021
House of Lords chamber, Baroness Northover speaking
What’s on in the Lords
Discover the latest questions, debates, and bill scrutiny coming up in the House of Lords from Monday 18 October
15 October 2021
Committee urges COP26 to include nature-based solutions in its decision text
The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has written to the, President for COP26 ahead of the conference on 31 October. The Committee urge the COP26 President to ensure that nature based-solutions, as part of the answer to mitigating and adapting to climate change.
15 October 2021
House of Lords returns
The House of Lords returned to check and challenge the work of government on Monday 11 October. Catch up on what happened
15 October 2021
Total results 1724 (page 59 of 115)