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House of Lords press office

The House of Lords press office deals with enquiries from the press and media.

Email For urgent out of hours office queries call 020 7219 8550.

To contact a Member of the House on matters unrelated to select committee work please visit the Find Members of the House of Lords section on our website.

The Press Office does not hold any contact details other than those published on Members’ pages on UK Parliament. Alternatively you may consider contacting the Member’s political party office or trying Dods people [subscription required].

Lords Enquiry Service and FAQs

House of Lords FAQs

The Lords Enquiry Service provides information on the role, work and membership of the House of Lords.

  • Telephone: 0800 223 0855 (Freephone) or 020 7219 3107
  • Email:
  • Text Relay: 18001 7219 3107

The telephone enquiry service is open from 10am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 10am - 4pm on Fridays. During recess, the hours are 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm Monday to Friday.

Please note that the Enquiry Service is unable to forward emails to members of the Lords on your behalf. You can find a member's contact details on their webpage, or use

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