Lords debates UN Sustainable Development Goals
23 November 2018
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Members of the Lords, including a vice president of the United Nations Association and an associate of Global Partners Governance, debated the progress made across government departments in integrating the Universal Sustainable Development Goals into domestic policy in preparation for the UK's Voluntary National Review presentation at the United Nations in September 2019, in the House of Lords on Thursday 22 November.
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- Lords Library note - UN Sustainable Development Goals: Integration into UK Policy
This was a balloted debate. They normally take place on a Thursday in the chamber. During debates, members are able to put their experience to good use, discussing current issues and drawing the government's attention to concerns.
The debate was proposed by Baroness Suttie (Liberal Democrats), associate of political and institutional development agency Global Partners Governance
Members who took part included:
- Lord Judd (Labour), vice president of the United Nations Association
- Lord McConnell of Glenscorrodale (Labour), chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development
- Baroness Sheehan (Liberal Democrats), Lords Liberal Democrats spokesperson for international development
Lord Bates (Conservative), minister of state in the Department for International Development, responded on behalf of the government.
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Image: PA