June 2019
Read all UK Parliament news for June 2019.

Committee to question UKRI on research funding in universities
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 18 June at 10.25am
18 June 2019

Serious lack of training for doctors on eating disorders, Committee report finds
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee publish report exploring the findings of the 'Ignoring the Alarms' report by the PHSO
18 June 2019

Government rejects recommendations to force fashion industry pay to clean up its act
Environmental Audit Committee publish Government Response to fixing fashion: clothing consumption and sustainability
18 June 2019

Shortfall in magistrate numbers ‘as frustrating as it was foreseeable'
Committee publishes report on The role of the magistracy - follow up
18 June 2019

Have your say on the Non-Domestic Rating (Lists) Bill
Call for written evidence
18 June 2019

Urgent question on civilians in Idlib, Syria
Alison McGovern, MP for Wirral South, asks urgent question in the Commons
18 June 2019

Urgent question as Hong Kong protests continue
Alistair Carmichael, MP for Orkney and Shetland, asks urgent question in the Commons
18 June 2019

Urgent question on EU/British Citizens' rights
Alberto Costa, MP for South Leicestershire, asks urgent question in the Commons
18 June 2019

Lords debates gender equality, women's rights and health
Peers consider UK's international role
18 June 2019

Electoral Commission to give evidence on digital campaigning
Rules extended to cover digital campaigning to be discussed
17 June 2019

Tech UK, ICO, journalists and academics give evidence to new inquiry
Is the collection, use and storage of data by private companies a threat to human rights?
17 June 2019

Committee hears about promotion of Northern Ireland as a tourist destination
Tourism Ireland and Tourism Northern Ireland questioned on how to support the tourism industry in Northern Ireland
17 June 2019

Health and social care inequalities faced by LGBT communities examined
Women and Equalities Committee holds third session into LGBT health and social care services access.
17 June 2019

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster David Lidington MP questioned by EU Committee
EU Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 19 June at 4.10pm on 19 June 2019
17 June 2019

MP questions Government on violent crime after constituency murder
Jim Fitzpatrick asked an urgent question on protection from violence crime
17 June 2019