In this section
Read all the UK Parliament news for 2021.

Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on tackling the digital divide
MPs to hold a general debate on tackling the digital divide
01 November 2021

MPs to hold a general debate on the use of medical cannabis for the alleviation of health conditions
MPs to hold a general debate on the use of medical cannabis for the alleviation of health conditions
01 November 2021

MPs to hold a general debate on a proposal for an inquiry into the UK’s involvement in the NATO-led mission to Afghanistan
MPs to hold a general debate on a proposal for an inquiry into the UK’s involvement in the NATO-led mission to Afghanistan
01 November 2021

Minister questioned on integrity of UK product safety standards post-Brexit
European Scrutiny Committee examines how the Government intends to safeguard the integrity of the UK’s product safety standards
01 November 2021

Committee publishes Government Response to report on Direct-to-Consumer Genomic Testing
Science and Technology Committee publishes Government response
01 November 2021

Climate change considerations not yet embedded across Government, Committee say
Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee write to Government about cross-Government delivery of COP and climate change policy.
01 November 2021

What's on in the Lords 1-4 November
Explore what's on in House of Lords questions, debates and legislation from Monday 1 November
01 November 2021

Justice Minister Victoria Atkins questioned on women in prison
Justice Committee takes evidence from Prisons Minister and senior civil servants in final session of its inquiry into Women in Prison
01 November 2021

Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on Kurdish political representation and equality in Turkey
MPs to hold a general debate on Kurdish political representation and equality in Turkey in Westminster Hall.
29 October 2021

Influencer inquiry to focus on children and families
Committee to hear from family influencers, academics, and regulators in the third session of its inquiry into influencer culture
29 October 2021

Coming up in the Commons: 1-5 November
A round up of business in the House of Commons for 1-5 November 2021
29 October 2021

Minister questioned on Navy and Naval procurement
The Defence Committee explores issues raised over the course of the inquiry
29 October 2021

UK Parliament Week at the House of Lords
Take part in UK Parliament Week with the House of Lords from 1-7 November 2021
29 October 2021

Committee to hold first evidence session into UK space strategy and UK satellite infrastructure
Committee to hold the first evidence session as part of its inquiry into UK space strategy and UK satellite infrastructure.
29 October 2021

Prime Minister Boris Johnson appears before Liaison Committee
Liaison Committee questions the Prime Minister
29 October 2021