What's on in the Lords 6-10 December
3 December 2021
Highlights from 6-10 December in the House of Lords include:
Members began further check of the Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill at report stage. Topics under discussion so far include attacks on emergency services workers.
The House also voted to include provisions in the Armed Forces Bill regarding civilian trials for certain crimes and assessing the impact of the government not being required to have due regard to the Armed Forces Covenant.
Members also began scrutiny of the Health and Care Bill, discussing topics including re-organising the NHS following the pandemic and a cap on the costs of care.
Read on for more details.
Catch up
Monday 6 December
Members questioned the government for 40 minutes on:
- making misogyny a hate crime
- gambling adverts to children and young people on Twitter
- takeover of Newport Wafer Fab by a Chinese-owned company
- update of the Ministerial Code.
Read a House of Lords Library briefing on making misogyny a hate crime.
Members began a 'tidy up' the Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill at third reading
The Lords began further examination (report stage) of the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill.
In Grand Committee, work away from the chamber, members debated recent reports from the European Union Committee relating to the institutional framework, trade in services and trade in goods.
Motion to annul
Motions to annul can be used by members to object to a statutory instrument. This motion to annul was tabled by Earl Attlee in relation to drivers' hours and tachographs. Read more details in a House of Lords Library briefing.
Motion to regret
Lord Berkeley tabled a motion to regret regarding regulations relating to electric vehicle smart charge points.
Tuesday 7 December
Members questioned the government for 40 minutes on:
- Small Business Commissioner powers: late payments to small businesses and freelancers
- smuggling of kittens and puppies into the UK
- Heat and Buildings Strategy
- NHS cancer care backlog.
Members began the main debate (second reading) of the Health and Care Bill. In Grand Committee, work away from the main chamber, members considered:
- Customs Safety and Security Procedures (EU Exit) (No. 2) Regulations 2021
- Solvency 2 (Group Supervision) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
- Heavy Commercial Vehicles in Kent (No. 2) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2021
Wednesday 8 December
Members questioned the government for 40 minutes on:
- UK Community Renewal Fund
- COVID-19 national memorial
- Education, Health and Care plan
- military developments on the border between Ukraine and Russia.
Members debated the establishment of a Parliamentary Partnership Assembly (PPA) consisting of members of the UK Parliament and European Parliament.
Members 'tidied up' the Rating (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Bill and began further examination (report stage) of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.
The Lords considered House of Commons amendments ('ping pong') to the Armed Forces Bill.
Thursday 9 December
Members questioned the government for 40 minutes on:
- Disabled Students' Allowance scheme
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees: UK contributions
- Future Farming Programme impact on small family farms
- medicine supplies to Northern Ireland.
Members debated:
- Scotland's contribution to economic recovery and renewal
- Transport for London funding
- role of civil nuclear power in meeting the UK's electricity needs.
Friday 10 December
From 10am
The House of Lords considered contemporary challenges to freedom of speech in a debate put forward by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
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Image: copyright House of Lords / photography by Roger Harris
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