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September 2021

Read all UK Parliament news for September 2021

Total results 31659 (page 156 of 2111)
MPs invite farmers to take part in a survey on soil health
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee launches a survey so farmers in England can share their experiences of improving soil health
10 July 2023
National Windrush Monument
Lords marks 75th anniversary of the Windrush generation
Members commemorate arrival of Caribbean settlers aboard Empire Windrush in June 1948. Catch up
10 July 2023
MPs to probe ability of workforce plan to meet challenges facing NHS
Health and Social Care Committee examines the newly published Long Term Workforce Plan for the NHS
07 July 2023
image of a police officer on duty
Prif Gwnstabliaid Cymru i ymddangos gerbron ASau i drafod perfformiad yr heddlu, y berthynas rhwng y cyhoedd a’r heddlu a heriau gweithredol
Y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn clywed gan Brif Gwnstabliaid Cymru ar faterion allweddol sy'n wynebu heddluoedd ledled Cymru
07 July 2023
image of a police officer on duty
Wales’ Chief Constables to appear before MPs to discuss police force performance, police-public relations and operational challenges
Welsh Affairs Committee hears from Wales' Chief Constables on key issues facing Police Forces across Wales
07 July 2023
Decisions of the Petitions Committee, 4 July 2023
Petitions Committee publishes decisions on e-petitions with over 10,000 signatures
07 July 2023
Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill: call for evidence
07 July 2023
DEFRA Minister Mark Spencer to face MPs on environmental threats to food supplies
Environmental Audit Committee hears from the Rt Hon Mark Spencer MP, Minister for Food, Farming and Fisheries
07 July 2023
Committee Corridor: Cricket inquiry chair, Cindy Butts, welcomes ‘national conversation’
One week after the Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket (published its stark report on diversity and inclusion in cricket, Committee Corridor host Caroline Nokes MP sits down with its Chair, Cindy Butts.
07 July 2023
What's on in the Lords 10-14 July
Questions, legislation and debates: discover what's on in the House of Lords this week.
07 July 2023
MPs call for rural Scottish communities to give views on rising cost of living
MPs call for rural Scottish communities to give views on rising cost of living
07 July 2023
Coming up in the Commons 10-14 July
Find out what's coming up in the House of Commons 10-14 July
07 July 2023
People’s ‘lived experience’ published in Assisted dying/assisted suicide inquiry
Health and Social Care Committee publishes anonymised transcripts from roundtable events
07 July 2023
New inquiries: Protecting consumers this winter a priority as Energy Security and Net Zero Committee announces programme of work
Energy Security and Net Zero Committee launches new inquiries into how best to protect and support energy bills payers this coming winter
07 July 2023
MPs to debate freehold estate management fees
MPs to debate freehold estate management fees
07 July 2023
Total results 31659 (page 156 of 2111)