September 2021
Read all UK Parliament news for September 2021

E-petition debate on response to riots
13 October 2011

'Government’s proposed changes to Sex Offenders Registration rules need amendment'
13 October 2011

Localisation of Council Tax Benefit is a risk and ‘an illusion’, say MPs
13 October 2011

PASC publishes report on the regulation of Public Appointments, recruitment and senior pay
13 October 2011

Reform of Common Fisheries Policy: first evidence session
13 October 2011

Does the EU have a military role?
13 October 2011

Evidence session 13 October
13 October 2011

Statement from PAC Chair on NAO report on Achievement of foundation trust status by NHS hospital trusts
13 October 2011

Dominic Grieve QC MP questioned on work of Attorney General
The Justice Select Committee held an evidence session on the work of the Attorney General on Wednesday 7 September when evidence was heard from
12 October 2011

Government's proposed Adjudicator for the Groceries Code: Government response
12 October 2011

Government's proposed Adjudicator for the Groceries Code: Government response
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee publishes report
12 October 2011

Referendum On Separation For Scotland Terms of Reference
12 October 2011

First evidence session on Youth Justice
12 October 2011

UK-Brazil Relations: Publication of Report announced
12 October 2011

Treasury Committee publishes terms of reference for Global Imbalances inquiry
12 October 2011