September 2021
Read all UK Parliament news for September 2021

Government responds to JCHR call for adoption apology
The Government responds the Joint Committee on Human Rights report, The Violation of Family Life: Adoption of Children of Unmarried Women 1949–1976.
03 March 2023

Sunak called to give evidence on Windsor Agreement by European Scrutiny Committee
European Scrutiny Committee publishes correspondence to the Prime Minister
02 March 2023

Climate change impacts on infrastructure – Committee calls for greater government urgency
02 March 2023

Childcare and early years debate in House of Commons main chamber
Education Committee debates spending of the Department for Education on childcare and early years
02 March 2023

MPs to debate Government spending at forthcoming Supplementary Estimates Day debate
MPs to debate Government spending at forthcoming Supplementary Estimates Day debate
02 March 2023

Lifelong Learning (Higher Education Fee Limits) Bill: call for evidence
Lifelong Learning (Higher Education Fee Limits) Bill: call for evidence
02 March 2023

JCNSS publishes Government Response to Readiness for storms ahead? Critical national infrastructure in an age of climate change
Committee publishes the Government’s response to its report, Readiness for storms ahead? Critical National Infrastructure in an age of climate change
02 March 2023

Hands off UK aid for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries, demands the International Development Committee
Committee publishes report on Aid spending in the UK
02 March 2023

Government must ‘pick winners’ by investing in low-carbon fuels for aviation and rail, says Transport Committee
Transport Committee publishes report: Fuelling the future: motive power and connectivity
02 March 2023

Committee Corridor: Does the Human Rights Act need to be reformed?
In the latest episode of Committee Corridor, Joanna Cherry is joined by guests Professor Francesca Klug, Baroness Sarah Ludford and David Simmonds MP to discuss the impact of the landmark 1998 Human Rights Act and Government proposals to reform how human rights are protected in the UK. Its focus is the question: does the Human Rights Act need to be reformed?
02 March 2023

MPs call for major Scottish sporting events to be broadcast across free-to-air channels
MPs call for major Scottish sporting events to be broadcast across free-to-air channels
02 March 2023

Committee to publish Government Response on Readiness for storms ahead? Critical national infrastructure in an age of climate change
Committee to publish its First Special Report, Readiness for storms ahead? Critical national infrastructure in an age of climate change: Government response to the Committee’s First Report
01 March 2023

Prescription charges for over 60s to be debated by MPs
Petitions Committee to debate prescription charges for the over 60s
01 March 2023

New Code of Conduct for MPs launched today
Committee on Standards sets out the standards of behaviour expected of all Members of the House of Commons
01 March 2023

Treasury Committee questions UK’s largest banks on savings rates and CEO pay
Treasury Committee questions Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group and NatWest Group on savings rates and CEO pay
01 March 2023