September 2021
Read all UK Parliament news for September 2021

Work of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre
07 October 2010

Health Committee to take evidence on Public Expenditure
07 October 2010

Police and Crime Commissioners
07 October 2010

Teaching unions and education psychologists give evidence on behaviour in schools
07 October 2010

Meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister
07 October 2010

Lords debate digital switchover of television and radio
07 October 2010

Future Flood and Water Management Legislation Further Oral Evidence Sessions Announced
06 October 2010

Role of the Probation Service
06 October 2010

Third oral evidence session on the LEP inquiry
05 October 2010

Third oral evidence session on the LEP inquiry
05 October 2010

Oral evidence session announced
04 October 2010

Lords takes more views on plans for fixed-term parliaments
01 October 2010

Recruitment of lay members
27 September 2010

Committee writes to Minister about research funding cuts and the risk of the UK losing its “best brains” in science research
23 September 2010

MPs seek Scottish perspective on date of alternative vote referendum
22 September 2010