January 2022
Read all the UK Parliament news for January 2022

Treasury Committee takes evidence on the Financial Conduct Authority
01 November 2011

Committee takes evidence on Private Foundations
31 October 2011

Committee takes evidence on constitutional implications of draft House of Lords Reform Bill
The Joint Committee hears from more constitutional experts about the further possible implications of the draft bill
31 October 2011

Joint Committee hears from academics and editors
31 October 2011

Lords Committee take evidence on the Residential Property Directive
31 October 2011

Government publishes response to Committee's Forensic Science Service Report
31 October 2011

Procedure Committee publishes report on 2010 elections for positions in the House
31 October 2011

Correspondence between Treasury Committee and Court of Bank of England
31 October 2011

MPs reject Government Response on ministerial numbers
31 October 2011

Inquiry into engineering in government
30 October 2011

Treasury Committee Chairman, Mr Andrew Tyrie MP, writes to Chair of the Draft Financial Services Bill Committtee
29 October 2011

Future of marine renewables first evidence session
28 October 2011

Publication of Fifth Report: 2010 elections for positions in the House
28 October 2011

Communities and Local Government Commitee to publish Regeneration Report
28 October 2011

Former Heads of the Civil Service questioned
28 October 2011