January 2022
Read all the UK Parliament news for January 2022

Sentencing Guideline: burglary and drug offences
10 June 2011

PASC to hear from Sir Ronald Cohen on Big Society Bank
10 June 2011

Crime Reduction Forum
10 June 2011

Role of the Probation Service
10 June 2011

Draft Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill
10 June 2011

Draft Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill
Committee to take oral evidence from the Bill team at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
10 June 2011

"The UK’s Energy Supply: Security or Independence?" - third evidence session
10 June 2011

PASC publishes Government Response to Report on Cabinet Manual
10 June 2011

New inquiry into Piracy off the coast of Somalia
10 June 2011

"A European Supergrid" second evidence session
10 June 2011

New Landscape of Policing
10 June 2011

Stop and Search report to be published
10 June 2011

Have your say on school science practicals and field trips
09 June 2011

MPs question National Farmers’ Union and Processed Vegetables Growers’ Association about the Draft Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill
09 June 2011

Oral Evidence: Lay membership of the Committee on Standards and Privileges
09 June 2011