January 2022
Read all the UK Parliament news for January 2022

Unauthorised hacking into or tapping of mobile communications
05 April 2011

MPs publish report on scrutiny of arms export controls
05 April 2011

Premier League and Football Conference questioned
05 April 2011

Unions and Students to give evidence on the future of higher education
Committee hold third oral evidence with unions and students
05 April 2011

Unions and Students to give evidence on the future of higher education
05 April 2011

MPs propose changes to Government's NHS reforms
05 April 2011

‘EU must deliver “added value” for taxpayers’
05 April 2011

MPs report on accountability for public money
05 April 2011

Committee take evidence on Pre-Charge Detention Legislation
04 April 2011

Grant Shapps MP questioned about future of local authority audit and inspection
04 April 2011

Welsh Affairs Committee publishes it's Sixth Special Report
04 April 2011

Inward investment evidence session, Swansea
04 April 2011

MPs take evidence on student immigration system in Scotland
04 April 2011

Inquiry into Health and Safety in Scotland, terms of reference
04 April 2011

Lords report urges Government to champion EU Single Market
04 April 2011