What's on in the Lords 23-26 May
20 May 2022
Highlights of what happened from 23-26 May:
Members questioned the government on the expected peak of inflation, border checks, the safeguarding of young children and the rising cost of living.
The House of Lords scrutinised the key purpose of the Schools Bill, Social Security (Special Rules for End of Life) Bill, the Infrastructure Bank Bill and Procurement Bill at second reading.
The House debated tackling financial exclusion and AI in the UK.
Platinum Jubilee
Members congratulated Her Majesty The Queen on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee in a debate on a Humble Address.
Read on for more.
Catch up
Monday 23 May
Members pressed the government for 40 minutes on:
- ensuring senior citizens take advantage of means-tested benefits
- support for sufferers of long Covid
- capacity issues in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
- expected peak of inflation.
Members debated the key principles and main purpose of the Schools Bill at second reading.
Urgent question repeat
Members questioned the government on whether it plans to launch an investigation into the North East Ambulance Service.
In Grand Committee, work away from the chamber, members considered regulations relating to:
Tuesday 24 May
Members question the government for 40 minutes on:
- comprehensive sickness insurance
- establishing a zoonoses (animal to human diseases) research centre
- safeguarding young children against abuse and death caused by adult members of their household
- plans to improve access to NHS dental services
Members of the Lords debated the key principles of the Social Security (Special Rules for End of Life) Bill and the UK Infrastructure Bank Bill at second reading.
Wednesday 25 May
Members pressed the government for 40 minutes on:
- rising energy bills and the increased costs of living
- implementing planned border checks on imported goods
- why the Sugar Reduction Programme did not include bread
- evacuation plans for all disabled residents in high-rise buildings.
Members discussed the key ideas and main purpose of the Procurement Bill at second reading.
In Grand Committee, work away from the chamber, members debated the following committee reports:
- Tackling financial exclusion: a country that works for everyone? follow up report by the Liaison Committee
- AI in the UK: no room for complacency, report by the Liaison Committee.
Thursday 26 May
Members questioned the government for 40 minutes on:
- improving cancer outcomes for children
- increasing the number of social homes for rent
- settlement terms between Russia and Ukraine
- assessment of the cost of living increase on recepients of state pension.
A debate on a Humble Address was presented to Her Majesty the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee.
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Image: copyright House of Lords / photography by Annabel Moeller
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