December 2023
Read all the UK Parliament news for December 2023.

Trade and Foreign Office ministers to face MPs on scrutiny of international treaties
Trade and Foreign Office ministers to face MPs on scrutiny of international treaties
09 June 2023

Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr Cymru ac elusennau cyn-filwyr i roi tystiolaeth i ASau
Y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn cynnal sesiwn dystiolaeth untro yn archwilio rôl newydd Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr Cymru
09 June 2023

Veterans’ Commissioner for Wales and veterans’ charities to give evidence to MPs
Welsh Affairs Committee holds a one-off evidence session examining the new role of the Veterans’ Commissioner for Wales
09 June 2023

Scope of investment zones and freeports inquiry revealed by Business Committee
Scope of investment zones and freeports inquiry revealed by Business Committee
09 June 2023

Government not doing enough to support foreign inward investment outside London
Public Accounts Committee publishes report on supporting investment into the UK from overseas
08 June 2023

How well does Whitehall understand devolution? MPs call for evidence in new inquiry
Whitehalls understanding of devolution? MPs call for evidence in new inquiry
08 June 2023

Prifysgolion Wrecsam, De Cymru, Metropolitan Caerdydd a'r Drindod Dewi Sant i ymddangos gerbron y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig
Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn clywed gan Is-Gangellorion prifysgolion Cymru
08 June 2023

Universities of Wrexham, South Wales, Cardiff Metropolitan and Trinity Saint David to appear before Welsh Affairs Committee
Welsh Affairs Committee hears from Vice-Chancellors of Welsh universities
08 June 2023

MPs to examine role of pharmacy services in future NHS
Health and Social Care Committee to consider current challenges facing pharmacy services
08 June 2023

Levelling-Up Committee begins inquiry on the finances and sustainability of the social housing sector
Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee announces evidence session and publication of written evidence
08 June 2023

MPs to examine role of pharmacy services in future NHS
The inquiry will also consider current challenges around funding, workforce and the digital infrastructure.
08 June 2023

Scottish Affairs Committee publishes Government response to hydrogen and carbon capture report
Scottish Affairs Committee publishes Government response to hydrogen and carbon capture report
08 June 2023

Treasury Committee publishes savings rates responses from banks and building societies
Last month, the cross-party Committee of MPs widened its campaign for banks to increase the savings rates offered to loyal customers, questioning why easy access savings rates are much lower than the current Bank of England base rate
08 June 2023

Committee on Standards publishes report on the conduct of Jess Phillips MP
This report arises from an investigation by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
08 June 2023

No change to six days letter service Government confirms in response to Business Committee
Government responds to BEIS Committee report on Royal Mail
08 June 2023