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October 2023

Read all the UK Parliament news for October 2023.

Total results 31689 (page 168 of 2113)
Ysgrifennydd Cymru i ateb cwestiynau ASau ar faterion sy'n amrywio o seilwaith ynni i lygredd carthion
Y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn archwilio cyfrifoldebau Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru
15 June 2023
Maria Caulfield to face scrutiny from MPs on menopause and the workplace
Maria Caulfield to face scrutiny from MPs on menopause and the workplace
15 June 2023
Lack of free-to-air football in Scotland on MPs’ agenda in debate on public broadcasting
Lack of free-to-air football in Scotland on MPs’ agenda in debate on public broadcasting
15 June 2023
Funding for Adult Social Care - Levelling-Up Committee publishes Government response
Funding for Adult Social Care - Levelling-Up Committee publishes Government response
15 June 2023
Transport Committee challenges disappointing Govt response to Fuelling the Future report
Transport Committee challenges disappointing Govt response to Fuelling the Future report
15 June 2023
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
MPs to question Health Secretary on action over challenges facing NHS and social care
MPs to question Health Secretary on action over challenges facing NHS and social care
15 June 2023
MPs urge the Government to end delay on protections for cohabiting partners
MPs urge the Government to end delay on protections for cohabiting partners
15 June 2023
New Creative Industries Sector Vision takes up Lords Committee recommendations
Lords Committee welcome Government's adoption of several recommendations from 'At risk: our creative future report
14 June 2023
Treasury Committee writes to FCA on allegations around Odey Asset Management
Following allegations raised by the Financial Times, the Committee asks a series of questions on the regulator’s supervision of Odey Asset Management and Crispin Odey
14 June 2023
Government publishes response to Committee’s Integrated Care Systems report
The publication sets out the Government's response to recommendations made in the Hewitt Review.
14 June 2023
Committee visits Manchester Piccadilly station
The Select Committee on the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill visited Manchester Piccadilly station ahead of considering different proposals for the location of the new high-speed station proposed by the Bill.
14 June 2023
Treasury Committee approves Megan Greene’s appointment to Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee
Committee publishes its report on the appointment of Megan Greene
14 June 2023
The cost of living and statutory parental pay to be debated by MPs
Petitions Committee to debate cost of living and statutory parental pay petition
14 June 2023
MPs launch inquiry into Scotland’s scientific research capability
The Scottish Affairs Committee launches an inquiry considering Scotland’s impact on scientific research and its global reputation in the scientific community.
14 June 2023
AEA Technology pension ‘another case of government not giving people enough time or support to make complex financial decisions’
Public Accounts Committee publishes report on AEA Technology Pension Case
13 June 2023
Total results 31689 (page 168 of 2113)