October 2023
Read all the UK Parliament news for October 2023.

The EU and grassroots sports: call for evidence
20 October 2010

The EU and grassroots sports: call for evidence
20 October 2010

Behaviour and discipline in schools: MPs examine research and guidance
20 October 2010

MPs question experts on swine flu pandemic
20 October 2010

MPs take evidence on housing benefit cuts
20 October 2010

Health Committee to take evidence on Revalidation of Doctors
19 October 2010

Health Committee to hold second evidence session on Public Expenditure
19 October 2010

New Transport Committee Inquiry - Cost of motor insurance
19 October 2010

JCHR to publish Report on the Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Bill
19 October 2010

Committee announces new inquiry into Revalidation of Doctors
19 October 2010

NHS executives give evidence on Commissioning
19 October 2010

Police and Crime Commissioners
19 October 2010

Publication of Special Reports
18 October 2010

MP's to hold second evidence session on Video Games Sector
18 October 2010

Oral evidence session on Comprehensive Spending Review
18 October 2010