September 2023
Read all the UK Parliament news for September 2023.

Committee of Public Accounts - the week ahead
10 December 2010

The Government's review of Counter-Terrorism
10 December 2010

First meeting of the Parlimentary Working Group on Bilateral Defence Cooperation between France and the United Kingdom
10 December 2010

Health Committee to publish its report on Public Expenditure
10 December 2010

Postal services in Scotland inquiry continues with Glasgow visit
10 December 2010

Lords hear evidence from Professor Willem Buiter, Chief Economist at Citigroup
10 December 2010

Report on Channel 4's Annual Report to be published
10 December 2010

Welsh Affairs Committee holds third evidence session looking at S4C
10 December 2010

Inquiry into the human rights implications of UK extradition policy
10 December 2010

Health Committee to hold final oral evidence session on Commissioning
09 December 2010

Further evidence session:Central and local government relations
09 December 2010

Justice Committee to question Kenneth Clarke
09 December 2010

Draft Sentencing Guidelines on assault and work of the Council
09 December 2010

Committee to hear evidence on Olympic and Paralympic Games
09 December 2010

Transport Committee Advertises For Specialist Adviser
09 December 2010