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What's on in the Lords 9-13 December

13 December 2024

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This week members press the government on vocational training, guns manufactured by 3D printers, use of anti-depressants, special educational needs in state schools, the 75th anniversary of Formula One and convictions of sub-postmasters.


The House debates the key principles of the House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) Bill and continues line by line examination of the Football Governance Bill and Product Regulation and Metrology Bill.


The future of small farms and family businesses and support for domestic abuse victims and survivors are both on the agenda in Lords debates.


  • The Communications and Digital Committee speaks to cabinet ministers, including Chris Bryant MP, Feryal Clark MP, and Baroness Gustaffson, on artificial intelligence and creative technology.
  • The Financial Services Regulation Committee continues its work on the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority’s secondary competitiveness and growth objective.

Read on for more.


From 10am


The Lords 'tidies up' the following private members' bills at third reading:

  • Women, Peace and Security Bill
  • Listed Investment Companies (Classification etc) Bill.

Members also debate the key principles and main purpose of the following private members' bills:

  • Asylum Support (Prescribed Period) Bill
  • Non-Consensual Sexually Explicit Images and Videos (Offences) Bill
  • Public Authority Algorithmic and Automated Decision-Making Systems Bill.

Catch up


From 2.30pm


Members quizzed the government on:

  • school term dates
  • vocational training
  • size of the House of Lords
  • low-carbon investment into existing homes.


Line by line examination of the Football Governance Bill continued.


Support for children with special educational needs and disabilities was on the agenda in Lords debates.


From 2.30pm


The House questioned the government on:

  • a National Youth Strategy
  • arts and creative industries in Europe
  • guns manufactured by 3D printers in the UK
  • potential 'quad-demic'.

Urgent questions

Members also pressed the government on police recruitment and border security.

Orders and regulations

Members considered a 'motion to regret' put forward by Baroness Scott of Bybrook on the Housing (Right to Buy) (Limits on Discount) (England) Order 2024.

Lord Dodds of Duncairn also put forward a 'motion to regret' the Movement of Goods (Northern Ireland to Great Britain) (Animals, Feed and Food, Plant Health etc.) (Transitory Provision and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2024.

A motion to regret does not stop regulations, instead it gives members a chance to put on record their concerns.


From 3.45pm in Grand Committee, work away from the chamber, members continued checking the Data (Use and Access) Bill.


Support for opera is on the agenda.


From 11am


Members debated the key principles and main purpose of the House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) Bill.


Members pressed the government on:

  • prescription of anti-depressants
  • special educational needs in state schools
  • Bread and Flour Regulations 1998
  • building 1.5 million new homes.


From 4.15pm

In Grand Committee, the Lords continued line by line examination of the Product Regulation and Metrology Bill.


From 11am


The House of Lords drew attention to:

  • delivery of mandatory house-building targets
  • 75th anniversary of Formula One
  • overturning the convictions of sub-postmasters
  • avian flu.


The future of small farms and family businesses, and support for domestic abuse victims and survivors were in the spotlight.

Plus, a series of short debates on NHS care for patients with allergies, Imprisonment for Public Protection, supply and quality of homes, and humanitarian assistance for the people of Ukraine this winter.

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Questions, debates and scrutiny of legislation are streamed live online for free. Watch chamber business and Lords committee meetings on Parliament TV.


All business in the House of Lords chamber and in Grand Committee is transcribed and available to read from around three hours after it happens. Read it free online in Lords Hansard.

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Image credit: House of Lords / Roger Harris

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