Independent Expert Panel requires Lee Anderson MP to apologise in the House of Commons
6 November 2024
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The Independent Expert Panel (IEP) has published a report today that requires Lee Anderson MP to make an apology in the House of Commons for a breach of Parliament’s bullying and harassment policy.
Mr Anderson was found by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards to have sworn twice at a security officer after his pass did not work when he was trying to enter the Parliamentary estate in November 2023.
The Commissioner’s finding followed a complaint made to the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS); and an investigation by an independent investigator appointed by the ICGS who recommended that the complaint should be upheld. Mr Anderson appealed the finding to the IEP, but the sub-panel considering the case dismissed the appeal concluding it failed to raise any substantive grounds.
In considering the sanction the sub-panel accepted that the complainant was left upset and intimidated by the incident, and it had contributed to him moving to a different job in Parliament. It also took into account his views on the appropriate sanction.
The sub-panel noted that following his unsuccessful appeal Mr Anderson now accepted the Commissioner’s finding that he had sworn at the complainant and that his behaviour had been a breach of the bullying and harassment policy. He had also expressed a desire to apologise.
The sub-panel accepted Mr Anderson’s evidence that he had faced “challenging personal circumstances” on the day in question and his “unacceptable behaviour” was “not planned or premeditated”.
The sub-panel concluded that Mr Anderson should apologise to the complainant, and to the House by way of a personal statement.
Who can I talk to for support?
If you have experienced an incident that is not in line with Parliament’s Behaviour Code we encourage you to reach out to the people and services available to you for advice, support and help. You can find how to access support, and how to make a complaint on the ICGS website.