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Lords concludes detailed check of apprenticeships bill

27 November 2024

An image representing technical and skills training.

Members of the House of Lords completed their line by line scrutiny of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (Transfer of Functions etc) Bill in committee stage on Tuesday 26 November.

The aim of this government bill is to abolish the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) and transfer its statutory functions to the Secretary of State for Education, who in practice will defer these duties to the newly established Skills England.

Line by line examination

Committee stage is a thorough examination of the individual parts (clauses) of the bill.

Starting from the front of the bill, members work through the clauses in order, considering changes (amendments) to the wording or proposals for new clauses.

Two days of consideration were scheduled for committee stage:

  • Thursday 21 November
  • Tuesday 26 November.

Proposed changes

Members speaking on the final day of committee stage put forward amendments (PDF) to the bill on subjects including:

  • impact of the legislation on government departments
  • employer approval of new technical education qualifications
  • Skills England engagement with local bodies and organisations.

Catch up

Explore further information

Find out more about the bill in the House of Lords Library briefing.

Next steps

Report stage, a further chance to scrutinise the bill and make changes, is yet to be scheduled.

What's happened so far?

Committee stage day one: Thursday 21 November

Members speaking on day one of committee stage put forward amendments (PDF) to the bill on subjects including:

  • the creation of a Chief Skills Adviser
  • producing an apprenticeship assessment plan.

Catch up

Second reading

Second reading, a full debate on the key principles of the bill, took place on Tuesday 22 October.

Image: Xi Wang / Unsplash

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