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Lords debates politicisation of the Civil Service

29 November 2024

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On Thursday 28 November, members of the House of Lords debated the case against politicisation of the Civil Service.


Lord Butler of Brockwell (Crossbench), former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service, put forward the debate. 

This was a general debate. During debates, members put their experience to good use to discuss current issues and draw the government's attention to concerns.    

Members speaking

Contributing members included:

  • Baroness Finn (Conservative), Shadow Minister in the Cabinet Office and member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life
  • Lord Mandelson (Labour), former First Secretary of State
  • Lord Maude of Horsham (Conservative), Chair of FMAP Ltd, a company providing advice on public sector reform
  • Lord Turnbull (Crossbench), former Secretary of the Cabinet and Permanent Secretary to HM Treasury.

Opening the debate, Lord Butler of Brockwell said:

'The balance now between political appointees and Civil Service staff in the Prime Minister’s office has completely changed.

'We should not abandon, without noticing it, the balance of a permanent Civil Service providing continuity and experience, which has served this country well for the last 150 years.'

Lord Godson added:

'Special advisers can perform a critical function in preserving its impartiality by offering Ministers the political counsel that civil servants rightly cannot provide.'

Baroness Twycross (Labour), Government Whip, responded on behalf of the government:

'We do not believe that the Civil Service should be politicised and do not intend to allow this to happen on our watch.

'Where appointments are made by exception to the principle of fair and open competition, requirements are placed in all cases on the employing departments.'

Catch up

Watch and read the debate   

Explore background information   

Image: Adobe stock

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