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Lords highlights importance of rule of law

27 November 2024

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On Tuesday 26 November, members of the House of Lords debated the importance of the rule of law.


Baroness Smith of Cluny (Labour), Advocate General for Scotland, put forward the debate.

This was a general debate. During debates, members put their experience to good use to discuss current issues and draw the government's attention to concerns.      

Members speaking

Contributing members included:

During the debate, Lord Wolfson of Tredegar said:

'We do the rule of law a disservice if we try to cram within it any and every social good. Not every social good is a human right, and not all human rights are part of the rule of law.'

Lord Hermer (Labour), Attorney General, responded on behalf of the government:

'Fundamental human rights reflect what underlies rules and what underlies our systems: our belief in the fundamental dignity of our fellow human being and the need for laws to protect it.'

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Image: CQF-Avocat / Pexels

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