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Contribution of special needs schools to education sector focus of Lords debate

25 October 2024

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On Thursday 24 October, members of the House of Lords considered the contribution of special needs schools and specialist education colleges to the education sector.


Baroness Monckton of Dallington Forest (Conservative), chair of Team Domenica, a charity supporting disabled people into work, put forward the debate.

This was a general debate. During debates, members put their experience to good use to discuss current issues and draw the government's attention to concerns. 

Members speaking

Contributing members included:

  • Lord Addington (Liberal Democrats), president of the British Dyslexia Association
  • Baroness Barran (Conservative), shadow minister in the Department for Education
  • Lord Bilimoria (Crossbench), former member of the New Deal Task Force, Department for Education and Employment.

Opening the debate, Baroness Monckton of Dallington Forest said:

'I suggest that specialist colleges not only contribute to the education sector but play a critical role in the skills agenda, particularly in supporting people into employment.'

Lord Bilimoria added:

'Demand has far outstripped the capacity of state-funded special schools, forcing councils to pay for much more expensive privately run alternatives.

'Surely the government realise that the solution is more funding overall for government schools, including special needs schools.'

Baroness Smith of Malvern (Labour), Minister for Skills at the Department for Education, responded on behalf of the government:

'We are committed to taking a community-wide approach, improving inclusivity and expertise in mainstream settings, as well as ensuring that specialist settings cater to those with the most complex needs.

'We have begun the work to address the serious workforce challenge facing the school system. We are recruiting an additional 6,500 teachers while providing support to areas facing specific recruitment challenges.'

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Photo credit: Pexels

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