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Lords completes examination of non-domestic rating bill

21 March 2025

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The Non-Domestic Rating (Multipliers and Private Schools) Bill has its third reading, a chance for members to make sure the eventual law is effective, workable and without loopholes, on Monday 24 March.

The Non-Domestic Rating (Multipliers and Private Schools) Bill contains a range of measures that will allow HM Treasury to:

  • introduce lower non-domestic rating multipliers for retail, hospitality and leisure properties
  • introduce higher multipliers for large companies whose properties exceed £500,000
  • remove the rate relief from private schools registered as charities.

Third reading

Third reading is the chance for members to ‘tidy up' a bill, making small changes to ensure it is effective.   

Members have put forward amendments (PDF) to the bill on private schools and when the bill will take effect.

How to follow

Watch or read the debate

Explore further information 

Find out more about the bill in the House of Lords Library briefing.

What's happened so far?

Report stage

Further detailed examination of the bill took place during report stage on Tuesday 18 March.

Committee stage

Line-by-line examination of the bill took place during committee stage on Thursday 27 February and Monday 24 February.

Second reading

Second reading, the main debate on the key principles and main purpose of the draft law, took place on Wednesday 29 January.

Image: Unsplash

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