Business, industry and consumers
Business, industry and consumers news from UK Parliament.

Retail, leisure and hospitality sectors give evidence to BEIS Committee
Committee to hear from businesses, unions and representative business groups from sectors including retail, leisure and hospitality
13 November 2020

Extend use of Remote Electronic Monitoring, advise Committee
The EU Environment Sub-Committee writes to George Eustice, Secretary of State for the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs about the Remote Electronic Monitoring call for evidence.
12 November 2020

Lords accepts trade standards compromise
Members discuss new free trade agreements as Agriculture Bill scrutiny concludes
10 November 2020

Minister questioned on future of carbon pricing
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee looks at carbon trading, emissions trading & Ofgem’s “RIIO 2” price-controls
09 November 2020

Committee announce upcoming sessions and business roundtable events
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee announce Brexit preparedness & impact of Covid-19 evidence hearings and business roundtable events
06 November 2020

Call for Expressions of Interest for Specialist Adviser to EFRA Committee on Trade
Specialist advisers wanted to scrutinise the impact of forthcoming free trade agreements on the UK's environment, food and rural affairs interests
05 November 2020

Fashion, retail and information technology businesses to give evidence
Boohoo, H&M, TikTok, The North Face, and Nike to give evidence as part of the committee's inquiry into Forced labour in UK value chains
03 November 2020

Register interest in Industrial Strategy roundtables
Register your interest for an online roundtable with the MPs on the Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee.
03 November 2020

DIT and UKEF “not demonstrated progress in tackling big challenges” they now face
Committee publish report on Government support for UK exporters
28 October 2020

MPs to debate a motion on Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme
MPs to debate a motion on Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme
27 October 2020

Chair comments on Secretary of State letters on Covid-19 loans & financial support
Comments come in response to Secretary of State's letters to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, regarding Bounce Back Business Loans, and the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme.
26 October 2020

International Trade Committee launches inquiry into UK-Japan trade agreement
The International Trade Committee today launches an inquiry on the UK-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).
23 October 2020

Inquiry launched on UK common frameworks after Brexit
UK common frameworks programme after Brexit inquiry launches
23 October 2020

Committee reports on Gibraltar-Spain border arrangements and European Investment Bank
In its latest report, the European Scrutiny Committee considers recent draft EU legislation and policy documents about EU identity cards and InvestEU deposited in Parliament by the Government.
21 October 2020

Business Committee publish written evidence submissions
Committee publishes the written evidence submissions for its inquiry on Delivering Audit Reform
21 October 2020