Industry news from UK Parliament.

How does the Bribery Act 2010 impact the shipping industry and businesses?
Select Committee on the Bribery Act 2010 takes evidence on 30 October at 10.30am
30 October 2018

Lords debates affordable housing
Members discuss case for increase in low-cost homes
26 October 2018

Off-shore wind industry examined
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee holds the latest evidence session for its inquiry on Industrial Strategy
17 October 2018

Brexit: the customs challenge report published
EU External Affairs Sub-Committee publish report, Brexit: the customs challenge
20 September 2018

Tourism and hospitality industries give evidence to Committee
Regenerating Seaside Towns Committee meets on Tuesday 11 September at 3.15pm
11 September 2018

Defence, Aerospace and Construction Sector gives evidence on the Bribery Act 2010
Select Committee on the Bribery Act 2010 takes evidence on Tuesday 11 September at 10.30am
11 September 2018

Lords debates careers education and advice
Peers consider case for high-quality advice for all students
07 September 2018

Construction sector needs overhaul to meet housing and infrastructure needs
Lords Science and Technology Committee publish report on Off-site manufacture for construction
19 July 2018

MPs call for combustible cladding system ban
HCLG Committee publishes report into building regulations and fire safety
18 July 2018

Evidence taken on hospitality and retail sectors
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee publishes written evidence regarding sector deals
17 July 2018

Older workers failed by weak enforcement of age discrimination
Women and Equalities Committee publishes report on older people and employment
17 July 2018

Lords Committee on Regenerating Seaside Towns holds first evidence session
The Committee meets on Tuesday 3 July at 3.15pm
29 June 2018

Building regulations and fire safety: Committee has first follow-up session
Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee has follow-up to the Hackitt Review
27 June 2018

Aberdeen hosts discussion of oil and gas industry
Scottish Affairs Committee vists Aberdeen to examine the challenges facing the oil and gas industry
25 June 2018

Minister questioned on Off-site manufacture for construction by committee
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 5 June at 3.30pm
05 June 2018