Postal services
Postal services news from UK Parliament.

Post Office Mediation scheme and the Horizon IT system
BIS Committee consider Horizon IT system and mediation scheme setup by Post Office
03 February 2015

Competition in Postal Services sector and Universal Service obligation
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee hear from main postal services organisations and unions
26 November 2014

Taxpayers lost out on Royal Mail sale, says BIS Committee
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee publishes its report on the privatisation of Royal Mail
11 July 2014

Further evidence on the privatisation of Royal Mail
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee questions Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State
29 April 2014

MPs hold second evidence session on Royal Mail privatisation
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee hears from banking industry representatives who provided Royal Mail valuations before privatisation
20 November 2013

Vincle Cable questioned on privatisation of Royal Mail
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee is holding a one-off evidence session on 9 October
09 October 2013

Post Office network transformation report published
MPs report on Government's proposals for change to the ownership and administration of the Post Office network
17 July 2012

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee publishes report on stamp prices
Committee calls for increases in price of stamps to take account of vulnerable customers and SMEs
02 March 2012

Committee takes evidence from Royal Mail on stamp price regulation
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee continues inquiry
28 February 2012