Covid-19 news from UK Parliament.

Lord Speaker's statement on UK Parliament's response to the spread of COVID-19
A letter from the Lord Speaker, Lord Fowler, to members of the House of Lords regarding the House's return from recess
19 April 2020

Impact of Covid-19 (coronavirus) on homelessness and the private rented sector inquiry launched
The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee launch new inquiry
17 April 2020

Temporary changes to Lords business
Some proceedings held virtually
17 April 2020

Committee examines the ageing prison population
Justice Committee hold an online live broadcast meeting on the ageing prison population
17 April 2020

Minister questioned on impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on education
The Committee's inquiry is examining both the short term and longer-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and scrutinising how the Department for Education is dealing with the situation
16 April 2020

Chair writes to National Statistician on Covid-19 mortality data quality
William Wragg MP writes to find out more about the quality of data on coronavirus deaths used by the Government
15 April 2020

Update from UK Parliament on coronavirus
UK Parliament has introduced measures to limit non-essential access to the parliamentary estate
15 April 2020

Speaker outlines virtual Chamber plans
MPs will be able to take part in PMQs, urgent questions and statements via video link.
14 April 2020

Speaker letter to chair of Procedure Committee on chamber practices
The Speaker looks forward to the Committee's comments on plans for MPs to participate remotely in questions and statements.
14 April 2020

Speaker statement on IPSA budget
The additional funds are there to use if needed and required - and will have to be accounted for in the usual way.
10 April 2020

Changes to House of Lords sittings following Easter recess
A move to virtual meetings in response to Covid-19
09 April 2020

MPs to question Secretary of State
MPs call in Secretary of State Matt Hancock on management of the coronavirus outbreak
09 April 2020

MPs launch online survey into coronavirus and access to food
Public invited to have their say: MPs launch online survey into coronavirus and access to food
09 April 2020

Nursing staff safety and ability to care “fundamentally compromised”
Royal College of Nursing Chief Executive Dame Donna Kinnair writes to the Committee
08 April 2020

MPs want to hear experiences of people claiming benefits
DWP's response to the coronavirus outbreak: MPs want to hear experiences of people claiming benefits
08 April 2020