Legal profession
Legal profession news from UK Parliament.

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill completes passage through parliament
Bill becomes an Act of Parliament. Catch up
29 April 2022

Constitution Committee calls for evidence on the role of the Lord Chancellor and the Law Officers
Constitution Committee launch inquiry into the role of the Lord Chancellor and the Law Officer
18 February 2022

Former Home Secretary Lord Blunkett questioned by MPs on IPP sentences
MPs on the Justice Committee hear from Lord Blunkett as part of their ongoing inquiry into IPP sentences.
03 December 2021

New Inquiry: Fraud and the Justice System
The Justice Committee has launched a new inquiry to investigate the criminal justice system’s approach to combatting fraud.
03 December 2021

Dominic Raab to face Justice Committee for first time as Lord Chancellor
Justice Secretary and Lord Chancellor Dominic Raab to make his first appearance before MPs on the Justice Committee
25 November 2021

Committee examines the future of court reporting in changing media landscape
On Tuesday 9 November the Justice Committee continues its inquiry into open justice
08 November 2021

Lengthy sentencing for children and young people risks breaching human rights law
JCHR calls for rethink of Sentencing Bill
23 September 2021

Justice Committee launches inquiry into IPP sentences
The Justice Committee launches an inquiry into indeterminate sentences of Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP)
21 September 2021

Legal aid needs urgent reform to secure fairness of the justice system
Legal aid is in urgent need of reform to protect the fairness of the justice
26 July 2021

Four short debates in the Lords
Climate change targets, ethnicity and child poverty, neurological services and perpetrators of genocide are in the Lords spotlight. Find out more about Thursday debates in May
28 May 2021

Overseas operations bill concludes parliamentary stages
Lords discusses torture offences and duty of care to service personnel. Find out more
29 April 2021

National Security and Investment Bill completes final stage
Bill awaits Royal Assent
28 April 2021

Private members' bills complete passage through Parliament
Bills await Royal Assent
27 April 2021

House of Lords Podcast: fighting for change
Human rights and support for victims of crime are two of the causes this month’s guests campaign for in the Lords. Hear from Lord Alton of Liverpool and Baroness Newlove on what inspires them and how they fight for change in the House of Lords.
26 March 2021

Is justice being done quickly enough?
The Justice Committee continues its inquiry into how delays in court cases and strains on the legal aid system have been exacerbated by the Covid–19 pandemic.
22 March 2021