Alternatives to prison
Alternatives to prison news from UK Parliament.

Extradition (Provisional Arrest) Bill completes passage through both Houses
The bill will become law following Royal Assent
15 October 2020

Lords discusses impact of Covid-19 on prisoners
Members debate offender rehabilitation programmes
24 April 2020

Lords debates treatment of offenders
Members discuss management reforms in prisons and communities
04 October 2019

Lords private members' bills
Peers debate franchise extension, EEA nationals and victims of crime
22 July 2019

MPs examine criminal justice approach to drugs
Questions focus on whether punitive rather than liberal measures are an effective response to problem drug use
28 June 2019

Y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn ymweld â ChEM Styal a Chanolfan Merched Gogledd Cymru
12 December 2018

Lords debates increase in violent crime
Youth services to combat gang culture under spotlight
30 November 2018

Lords debates early intervention in children's lives
Members consider welfare and social mobility initiatives
02 November 2018

Prison system examined by Committee
Justice Committee continues its inquiry into prison population 2022: planning for the future
11 October 2018

Prison Population 2022: Planning for the future
Justice Committee discusses prison population projections and the impact of reducing reoffending rates
12 July 2018

Chief Inspector and Ombudsman explore conditions for Welsh prisoners
Welsh Affairs Committee holds fourth evidence session of its inquiry into prisons
22 May 2018

Committee questions experts on Transforming Rehabilitation
Justice Committee examines Transforming Rehabilitation
27 February 2018

Government review of probation reform examined by Committee
Justice Committee launches an inquiry into the Government's Transforming Rehabilitation programme
21 March 2017

Young adults in criminal justice system: change in policy needed
Justice Committee report finds dealing effectively with young adults while brain is still developing is crucial
26 October 2016

Prison reform programme examined by Committee
Justice committee launches inquiry into the Government's ambitious programme of reforms
27 July 2016