Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.

Further session on Budget and structure of the MOJ
29 February 2012

EFRA Committee question ministers on Natural Environment White Paper
29 February 2012

Strengthening the role of Chief Scientific Advisers
29 February 2012

European Commission appear before Lords in Freshwater Policy Inquiry
29 February 2012

MPs take evidence from Bank of England on February 2012 Inflation Report
29 February 2012

Education Committee questions Ofsted
29 February 2012

Statement from PAC Chair on NAO report: Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission cost reduction
29 February 2012

Evidence session with the Financial Secretary to the Treasury postponed
28 February 2012

MPs announce inquiry on the European Regional Development fund (ERDF)
28 February 2012

Transport Committee to publish Sulphur emission by ships report
28 February 2012

Committee to publish report on Debt Management
28 February 2012

Committee to publish report on Debt Management
28 February 2012

Correspondence published from James Murdoch and Met Police
28 February 2012

Treasury Committee calls for further changes to rectify shortcomings of legislation on FCA
28 February 2012

Youth unemployment and the Government’s Youth Contract
28 February 2012