Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.

Private Foundations
13 January 2012

Natural Environment White Paper
13 January 2012

PASC to examine Business Appointment rules and Advisory Committee
13 January 2012

Backbench business debate on Parliamentary Representation
13 January 2012

Backbench business debate on a statutory code of practice for pub companies
13 January 2012

Treasury Committee publishes report into Financial Conduct Authority
13 January 2012

A Robust Grid for 21st Century Scotland, terms of reference
12 January 2012

Oral evidence to be taken on Sittings of the House and the Parliamentary Calendar
12 January 2012

International Development Committee Announce new inquiry: Zambia
12 January 2012

Response to services for young people report published
12 January 2012

Change in Government: the agenda for leadership
12 January 2012

Consumption-based emissions reporting
12 January 2012

European Financial Supervisory Framework
12 January 2012

Further information about arms export licences issued January-March 2010
12 January 2012

Preparations for the Rio +20 Summit: Government Response
12 January 2012