Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.

Committee questions Minister on roots of radicalisation
02 December 2011

Backbench debate on debt advice and debt management services
02 December 2011

Statement from PAC Chair on NAO report on the Care Quality Commission
02 December 2011

European Council debate
02 December 2011

Government Response to A European Supergrid report published
02 December 2011

Examining how to Attract, Train and Retain Best Teachers continues
02 December 2011

Lords fear over Financial Transaction Tax
02 December 2011

Backbench debate on BBC cuts
02 December 2011

Glasgow visit: Health and Safety in Scotland
01 December 2011

MPs to take evidence for its inquiry on the Draft Civil Aviation Bill
01 December 2011

Budget and structure of the MoJ
01 December 2011

Report to be published on Rules of Royal Succession
01 December 2011

Parliament’s role in conflict decisions: further report
01 December 2011

Inward Investment in Wales Inquiry
01 December 2011

MPs announce evidence session on the Census and social science
01 December 2011