Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.

Lords Science Committee expand Behaviour Change Inquiry to consider interventions to reduce car usage in towns and cities
20 December 2010

Transport Committee invites evidence on European Union Transport Policy
20 December 2010

House of Lords appoint new Committee on HIV and AIDS in the UK
20 December 2010

Home Affairs publishes report into firearms control
20 December 2010

Committee to hold fifth evidence session for Localism inquiry
20 December 2010

Green Investment bank – Chris Huhne’s 15 December comments
17 December 2010

The Cost of Motor Insurance
17 December 2010

Constitutional implications of the Cabinet Manual
17 December 2010

How effective is Government's use of IT?
17 December 2010

Committee of Public Accounts - the week ahead
17 December 2010

UN development targets will be missed unless urgent action is taken
16 December 2010

Committee issues statement on 2009/2010 audit
16 December 2010

Report on Youth Unemployment and the Future Jobs Fund published
16 December 2010

Lords Committee ‘unconvinced’ by arguments for fixed-term Parliaments
16 December 2010

Treasury Committee Chairman continues correspondence regarding the FSA's investigation into RBS
15 December 2010