Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.

Committee publishes report on the development of renewable energy technologies
30 November 2010

New format for pre-recess adjournment debate on Tuesday 21 December
29 November 2010

Fifth oral evidence session on Government Assistance to Industry
29 November 2010

Fifth oral evidence session on Government Assistance to Industry
29 November 2010

International Development Committee to take evidence on the World Bank
29 November 2010

Government Chief Scientific Adviser and representatives of private industry give evidence to the Lords Science and Technology Committee
26 November 2010

Committee publishes report on Police and Crime Commissioners
26 November 2010

The Future of Britain's Electricity Networks
26 November 2010

Publication of Government Response to the previous Committee's Report on the Turks and Caicos Islands
26 November 2010

Green Investment Bank - oral evidence session announced
26 November 2010

Superannuation Bill and the Parliamentary Voting System and Constiruencies Bill
26 November 2010

Superannuation Bill report to be published
26 November 2010

Treasury Committee publishes its report on the Spending Review
26 November 2010

Uncorrected Transcript of Oral Evidence - 25 November 2010
25 November 2010

Committee calls for written evidence on the Retail Distribution Review
25 November 2010