Mental health
Mental health news from UK Parliament.

Have your say on the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill
Call for written evidence
19 December 2018

State of mental health care funding in Northern Ireland examined
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee hears from mental health charities and the Royal College of Psychiatrists
12 December 2018

Architects and engineers questioned by Committee
Regenerating Seaside Towns Committee meets on Tuesday 27 November at 3.15pm
23 November 2018

Mental health of men and boys: inquiry launched
Women and Equalities Committee launch inquiry into the mental health of men and boys
16 November 2018

Lord debates Veterans Strategy
Peers discuss government plan for former military personnel
16 November 2018

Labour demands Government action to prevent vulnerable inpatient deaths
Question asked by Shadow Minister for Mental Health and Social Care
06 November 2018

Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Bill: Lords third reading
Bill provides for increased oversight and police surveillance
31 October 2018

Lords debates NHS and healthcare data
Peers discuss use of data to improve public health
05 September 2018

Minister questioned on mental healthcare in prisons
Health and Social Care Committee hears from Jackie Doyle-Price MP, and National Prison Healthcare Board
10 July 2018

Prison health and social care experts questioned on services
The Prison and Probation Ombudsman, charities, and regulators are questioned on health and wellbeing issues of prisoners
29 June 2018

Green Paper on Child Mental Health lacks ambition
Committees publish report into Government's Green Paper on Child Mental Health provision
09 May 2018

Police response to vulnerable people examined
The Home Affairs Committee examines police response to vulnerable people and neighbourhood policing
01 May 2018

Current provision of mental health services for young people examined
Health and Education Committees seeks perspective on green paper's proposals and implementation
30 January 2018

Duty of care to prisoners needs urgent action
Public Accounts Committee report says record levels of suicides and self-harm are damning indictment
13 December 2017

Child and adolescent mental health services examined
Health Committee hears from experts, officials and representatives of child and adolescent mental health charities
21 November 2017