International affairs
International affairs news from UK Parliament.

Lords debates Queen's Speech
Back to business debating government's agenda for year ahead
09 January 2020

Statement on Australia bushfires
Heather Wheeler makes statement on bushfires in Australia
09 January 2020

Lord Speaker statement on Australian wildfires
Made in the House of Lords chamber on Tuesday 7 January 2020.
07 January 2020

Lords debates preventing biodiversity loss
Members discuss sustainable use of natural resources
05 November 2019

Ministers questioned on the publication of the Intelligence and Security Committee's report into Russia
Dominic Grieve QC MP has asked an urgent question on the publication of a report into Russian influence in UK politics
05 November 2019

Right to privacy “may exist on paper” – but not in online “Wild West”, says JCHR
JCHR publish their report on digital privacy
03 November 2019

Human rights of many people with a learning disability and/or autism are being breached in mental health hospitals
Joint Committee on Human Rights publish their report on the detention of young people with learning disabilities and/or autism
01 November 2019

Lords EU exit regulations: 30 October
Animal welfare, agriculture, fisheries and rail safety on agenda
31 October 2019

Lords debates Health Service Safety Investigations Bill
Members discuss key purpose and principles of bill
30 October 2019

Lords Committee hold second evidence session on NATO
The International Relations and Defence Committee takes evidence on 30th October 10.40am
28 October 2019

Lords debates political unrest in Hong Kong
Members discuss overseas citizenship for Hong Kong residents
25 October 2019

Lords EU exit regulations: 23 October
EU elections, plant health and movement of services under spotlight
24 October 2019

Birmingham Commonwealth Games Bill: Lords third reading
Bill provides government and operational support for 2022 showpiece
24 October 2019

Lords debates Queen's Speech 2019
The House of Lords debates the Queen's Speech 2019
23 October 2019

Ministers questioned on British children stranded in Syria
David Davis MP ask an urgent question on the situation of British children trapped in Syria
22 October 2019