In this section
Parliamentary news 2010
Northern Ireland round-up: 29 January 2010
Digital Economy Bill: third day of Lords committee stage
East Midlands round-up: 8 January 2010
London round-up: 8 January 2010
Speaker’s Conference seeks greater participation in politics
2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Ministers appear before bioengineering inquiry
Lord Mandelson questioned by the Lords
Wales round-up: 8 January 2010
Debate on committee report on carbon capture and storage
Lords debate on climate change
Minister questioned on development efforts in Nepal
Questions to the Government: 20 January
Second reading of Crime and Security Bill in Commons
Sure Start Children’s Centres inquiry concludes
Child Poverty Bill: Lords second reading
Inquiry continues into collapse of Dairy Farmers’ co-operative
Committee takes evidence on national DNA database
East of England round-up: 22 January 2010
Equality Bill: Lords committee stage - day five
Committee hears evidence on defence spending
London round-up: 15 January 2010
MPs’ report calls for radical overhaul of alcohol policy
Committee says schools should be allowed more freedom
Digital switchover inquiry hears from media groups
Digital Economy Bill: Lords committee stage
Children’s Secretary appears before Committee
Minister gives evidence on EU cyber-attack inquiry
Report on Highway Agency’s record on road maintenance
Scotland round-up: 22 January 2010
North East round-up: 22 January 2010
Scotland round-up: 8 January 2010
West Midlands round-up: 22 January 2010
Scotland round-up: 29 January 2010
MPs pass remaining stages of Fiscal Responsibility Bill
Digital Economy Bill: day two of Lords committee stage
What’s on in the Lords: 5-8 January
Prime Minister’s Questions: 13 January 2010
Statement: Improving UK protection against terrorism
East Midlands round-up: 29 January 2010
Report examines chlamydia screening programme
Broadcasters neglect Northern Ireland obligations
Lords Committee hears evidence on piracy off Somalia
Personal Care at Home Bill passes final Commons stages
Commons marks Holocaust Memorial Day
MPs hold public hearing in Redcar on the steel industry
MPs debate importance of reliable energy supplies
Developments in Sudan: Lords debate
Lords to debate nuclear disarmament
South East round-up: 15 January 2010
Statement: Safeguarding vulnerable adults from harm
Commons debates the conflict in Afghanistan
Yorkshire and the Humber round-up: 22 January 2010
Debate on dementia services and care of the elderly
Scotland round-up: 15 January 2010
East of England round-up: 29 January 2010
Lord Myners answers questions on Scottish banking
Lords Committee launches inquiry into UK digital switchover
Wales round-up: 29 January 2009
Yorkshire and the Humber round-up: 15 January 2010
Equality Bill: Lords committee stage
Statement: Government money for thalidomide survivors
East Midlands round-up: 15 January 2010
South West round-up: 8 January 2010
Commons debate second reading of new education Bill
South West round-up: 22 January 2010
Welsh Affairs Committee publishes report on local government
500 years of House of Lords Journal
Science and technology spending cuts inquiry announced
MPs debate Criminal Records Bureau
Liaison Committee urges action on Wright Committee reforms
Toughen FSA oversight of public sector deposits, say MPs
Committee looks at dementia services report
South West round-up: 29 January 2010
Minister appears before geoengineering inquiry
North West round-up: 15 January 2010
Prime Minister’s Questions: 6 January 2010
Committee call for greater accountability at centre of Government
UK efforts meaningless without global climate deal, MPs warn
Debate on regional security in the Horn of Africa
Wales round-up: 15 January 2010
Debate: Lobbying and access and influence in Whitehall
Lords Committee criticises food industry over nanotechnologies
Committee evidence session focuses on NHS finances
North East round-up: 15 January 2010
Equality Bill: day two of Lords committee stage
House of Lords on nuclear disarmament
Committee quizzes Government Chief Scientific Adviser
Committee questions Minister on human trafficking
Video Bill: Lords second reading, committee and report stages
Online game gives young people taste of life as an MP
Committee hears evidence on European and UK justice issues
Video Bill: Lords third reading
Financial Services Bill: MPs debate report and third reading stages
Lords debate: obesity
Plans for Queen’s Diamond Jubilee announced
Statement: State of local councils’ salt supplies for road gritting
Questions to Lord Mandelson
Whitehall delays hamper new Welsh Assembly powers, say MPs
Fuel poverty inquiry announced
North West round-up: 22 January 2010
MPs examine counter-terrorism measures at British airports
Free training for voluntary sector in Yorkshire and the Humber
Private Members’ Bills in the Lords: second reading
South East round-up: 8 January 2010
Business Committee hears evidence from Lord Mandelson
English Heritage given unrealistic targets, says report
Podcast: 24-hour media and Parliament
IPSA launches consultation on MPs’ expenses
Prime Minister’s Questions: 27 January 2010
Lords Committee takes evidence for referendums inquiry
Lords to debate constitutional reform
MPs look at impact of economic situation on public services
Energy Committee inquiry into national policy statements
Yorkshire and the Humber round-up: 8 January 2010
North East round-up: 29 January 2010
Children’s services directors quizzed over Ofsted inspections
West Midlands round-up: 8 January 2010
Constitution Committee looks at referendums in the UK
Debate on future of dairy farming in the UK
Constitutional Reform Bill: Commons Committee fourth day
Government should do more to support export-led recovery
House of Lords on climate change
Lords Private Notice Question: Foreign and Commonwealth Office budget
North East Committee inquiry into steel industry continues
House of Lords on the tax system
Committee looks at dementia services report
Alex Salmond appears before Scottish Affairs Committee
Environment Secretary quizzed on Defra’s food strategy
Bioengineering inquiry hears from industry advisors
Topical debate: Food industry competitiveness
Andy Burnham gives evidence to social care inquiry
Banking groups give evidence to Treasury Committee
Environment Secretary appears before climate change inquiry
National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Political commentator appears before referendums inquiry
MPs debate how to support young people during the recession
Digital Economy Bill: day four of Lords committee stage
East of England round-up: 15 January 2010
Debate on the role and importance of charity trustees
Sudan: Lords debate
Committee takes evidence on energy policy statements
Committee scrutinises how healthcare is commissioned
Energy policy statements inquiry continues
Lord Speaker at Speakers’ Conference in India
Northern Ireland round-up: 8 January 2010
Digital Economy Bill: Lords committee stage - day five
MPs debate UK relations with China
East Midlands round-up: 22 January 2010
Obesity in the UK: Lords debate
South East round-up: 29 January 2010
Speaker announces Chairman of Advisory Council
MPs question Bank of England Governor
Report finds spending in Malawi needs better assessment
Economists give evidence to Treasury Committee
London round-up: 22 January 2010
Unsustainable prison building is not the answer, say MPs
Spanish Ambassador discusses EU presidency
Wales and Whitehall inquiry continues
Fiscal Responsibility Bill second reading in Commons
Urgent question on counter-terrorism
Debate on progress made preventing violence against women
Complaints against MPs: proposal to publish more information
Commons debate industrial relations at Royal Mail
Statement: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
UK society: Lords debate
Minister appears before defence equipment inquiry
Communications Committee calls for part privatisation of BBC Worldwide
Rhodri Morgan gives evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee
Extremism inquiry hears from Communities Secretary
Parliamentary training for voluntary organisations
MPs debate sporting events available on free-to-air TV
Statement: Alan Johnson on aviation and border security
Committee inquiry into the European Social Fund continues
Yorkshire and the Humber round-up: 29 January 2010
Lords Committee welcomes adoption of recommendations
Healthcare commissioning inquiry continues
President of Portuguese Parliament
Train to Gain programme mismanaged, says Committee
East of England round-up: 8 January 2010
Equality Bill: day four of Lords committee stage
Committee referendums inquiry continues
North West round-up: 8 January 2010
Lords EU Committee hears from Europe Minister
North West round-up: 29 January 2010
Committee looks at Forensic Science Northern Ireland
MPs debate new Independent Safeguarding Authority
House of Lords on constitutional reform
Video Recordings Bill passes all its Commons stages
Norfolk: People and Parliament exhibition
Equality Bill: third day of Lords committee stage
Northern Ireland round-up: 15 January 2010
Lord Adonis questioned by the Lords
Scottish Affairs Committee questions Secretaries of State
Bill to stop violent videos and DVDs being sold to children
West Midlands round-up: 29 January 2010
Prime Minister’s Questions: 20 January 2010
Statement on severe weather conditions
Lord Speaker news: 26 January 2010
West Midlands round-up: 15 January 2010
Questions to Lords Secretaries of State
MPs debate the future of Cadbury
Ministers must move on waste mountain reduction
Inquiry looks at young people without jobs or training
South East round-up: 22 January 2010
Statement: Proposals for child exploitation and online protection
Statement: new package for injured service personnel
South West round-up: 15 January 2010
Statement: New code of practice for alcohol retailers
Constitutional reform and governance bill in Commons
Forces may have to merge to support police numbers, say MPs
Treasury Committee publishes response to pre-budget report
London round-up: 29 January 2010
Total results 2
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Total results 2
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In this section
Parliamentary news 2010
Northern Ireland round-up: 29 January 2010
Digital Economy Bill: third day of Lords committee stage
East Midlands round-up: 8 January 2010
London round-up: 8 January 2010
Speaker’s Conference seeks greater participation in politics
2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Ministers appear before bioengineering inquiry
Lord Mandelson questioned by the Lords
Wales round-up: 8 January 2010
Debate on committee report on carbon capture and storage
Lords debate on climate change
Minister questioned on development efforts in Nepal
Questions to the Government: 20 January
Second reading of Crime and Security Bill in Commons
Sure Start Children’s Centres inquiry concludes
Child Poverty Bill: Lords second reading
Inquiry continues into collapse of Dairy Farmers’ co-operative
Committee takes evidence on national DNA database
East of England round-up: 22 January 2010
Equality Bill: Lords committee stage - day five
Committee hears evidence on defence spending
London round-up: 15 January 2010
MPs’ report calls for radical overhaul of alcohol policy
Committee says schools should be allowed more freedom
Digital switchover inquiry hears from media groups
Digital Economy Bill: Lords committee stage
Children’s Secretary appears before Committee
Minister gives evidence on EU cyber-attack inquiry
Report on Highway Agency’s record on road maintenance
Scotland round-up: 22 January 2010
North East round-up: 22 January 2010
Scotland round-up: 8 January 2010
West Midlands round-up: 22 January 2010
Scotland round-up: 29 January 2010
MPs pass remaining stages of Fiscal Responsibility Bill
Digital Economy Bill: day two of Lords committee stage
What’s on in the Lords: 5-8 January
Prime Minister’s Questions: 13 January 2010
Statement: Improving UK protection against terrorism
East Midlands round-up: 29 January 2010
Report examines chlamydia screening programme
Broadcasters neglect Northern Ireland obligations
Lords Committee hears evidence on piracy off Somalia
Personal Care at Home Bill passes final Commons stages
Commons marks Holocaust Memorial Day
MPs hold public hearing in Redcar on the steel industry
MPs debate importance of reliable energy supplies
Developments in Sudan: Lords debate
Lords to debate nuclear disarmament
South East round-up: 15 January 2010
Statement: Safeguarding vulnerable adults from harm
Commons debates the conflict in Afghanistan
Yorkshire and the Humber round-up: 22 January 2010
Debate on dementia services and care of the elderly
Scotland round-up: 15 January 2010
East of England round-up: 29 January 2010
Lord Myners answers questions on Scottish banking
Lords Committee launches inquiry into UK digital switchover
Wales round-up: 29 January 2009
Yorkshire and the Humber round-up: 15 January 2010
Equality Bill: Lords committee stage
Statement: Government money for thalidomide survivors
East Midlands round-up: 15 January 2010
South West round-up: 8 January 2010
Commons debate second reading of new education Bill
South West round-up: 22 January 2010
Welsh Affairs Committee publishes report on local government
500 years of House of Lords Journal
Science and technology spending cuts inquiry announced
MPs debate Criminal Records Bureau
Liaison Committee urges action on Wright Committee reforms
Toughen FSA oversight of public sector deposits, say MPs
Committee looks at dementia services report
South West round-up: 29 January 2010
Minister appears before geoengineering inquiry
North West round-up: 15 January 2010
Prime Minister’s Questions: 6 January 2010
Committee call for greater accountability at centre of Government
UK efforts meaningless without global climate deal, MPs warn
Debate on regional security in the Horn of Africa
Wales round-up: 15 January 2010
Debate: Lobbying and access and influence in Whitehall
Lords Committee criticises food industry over nanotechnologies
Committee evidence session focuses on NHS finances
North East round-up: 15 January 2010
Equality Bill: day two of Lords committee stage
House of Lords on nuclear disarmament
Committee quizzes Government Chief Scientific Adviser
Committee questions Minister on human trafficking
Video Bill: Lords second reading, committee and report stages
Online game gives young people taste of life as an MP
Committee hears evidence on European and UK justice issues
Video Bill: Lords third reading
Financial Services Bill: MPs debate report and third reading stages
Lords debate: obesity
Plans for Queen’s Diamond Jubilee announced
Statement: State of local councils’ salt supplies for road gritting
Questions to Lord Mandelson
Whitehall delays hamper new Welsh Assembly powers, say MPs
Fuel poverty inquiry announced
North West round-up: 22 January 2010
MPs examine counter-terrorism measures at British airports
Free training for voluntary sector in Yorkshire and the Humber
Private Members’ Bills in the Lords: second reading
South East round-up: 8 January 2010
Business Committee hears evidence from Lord Mandelson
English Heritage given unrealistic targets, says report
Podcast: 24-hour media and Parliament
IPSA launches consultation on MPs’ expenses
Prime Minister’s Questions: 27 January 2010
Lords Committee takes evidence for referendums inquiry
Lords to debate constitutional reform
MPs look at impact of economic situation on public services
Energy Committee inquiry into national policy statements
Yorkshire and the Humber round-up: 8 January 2010
North East round-up: 29 January 2010
Children’s services directors quizzed over Ofsted inspections
West Midlands round-up: 8 January 2010
Constitution Committee looks at referendums in the UK
Debate on future of dairy farming in the UK
Constitutional Reform Bill: Commons Committee fourth day
Government should do more to support export-led recovery
House of Lords on climate change
Lords Private Notice Question: Foreign and Commonwealth Office budget
North East Committee inquiry into steel industry continues
House of Lords on the tax system
Committee looks at dementia services report
Alex Salmond appears before Scottish Affairs Committee
Environment Secretary quizzed on Defra’s food strategy
Bioengineering inquiry hears from industry advisors
Topical debate: Food industry competitiveness
Andy Burnham gives evidence to social care inquiry
Banking groups give evidence to Treasury Committee
Environment Secretary appears before climate change inquiry
National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Political commentator appears before referendums inquiry
MPs debate how to support young people during the recession
Digital Economy Bill: day four of Lords committee stage
East of England round-up: 15 January 2010
Debate on the role and importance of charity trustees
Sudan: Lords debate
Committee takes evidence on energy policy statements
Committee scrutinises how healthcare is commissioned
Energy policy statements inquiry continues
Lord Speaker at Speakers’ Conference in India
Northern Ireland round-up: 8 January 2010
Digital Economy Bill: Lords committee stage - day five
MPs debate UK relations with China
East Midlands round-up: 22 January 2010
Obesity in the UK: Lords debate
South East round-up: 29 January 2010
Speaker announces Chairman of Advisory Council
MPs question Bank of England Governor
Report finds spending in Malawi needs better assessment
Economists give evidence to Treasury Committee
London round-up: 22 January 2010
Unsustainable prison building is not the answer, say MPs
Spanish Ambassador discusses EU presidency
Wales and Whitehall inquiry continues
Fiscal Responsibility Bill second reading in Commons
Urgent question on counter-terrorism
Debate on progress made preventing violence against women
Complaints against MPs: proposal to publish more information
Commons debate industrial relations at Royal Mail
Statement: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
UK society: Lords debate
Minister appears before defence equipment inquiry
Communications Committee calls for part privatisation of BBC Worldwide
Rhodri Morgan gives evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee
Extremism inquiry hears from Communities Secretary
Parliamentary training for voluntary organisations
MPs debate sporting events available on free-to-air TV
Statement: Alan Johnson on aviation and border security
Committee inquiry into the European Social Fund continues
Yorkshire and the Humber round-up: 29 January 2010
Lords Committee welcomes adoption of recommendations
Healthcare commissioning inquiry continues
President of Portuguese Parliament
Train to Gain programme mismanaged, says Committee
East of England round-up: 8 January 2010
Equality Bill: day four of Lords committee stage
Committee referendums inquiry continues
North West round-up: 8 January 2010
Lords EU Committee hears from Europe Minister
North West round-up: 29 January 2010
Committee looks at Forensic Science Northern Ireland
MPs debate new Independent Safeguarding Authority
House of Lords on constitutional reform
Video Recordings Bill passes all its Commons stages
Norfolk: People and Parliament exhibition
Equality Bill: third day of Lords committee stage
Northern Ireland round-up: 15 January 2010
Lord Adonis questioned by the Lords
Scottish Affairs Committee questions Secretaries of State
Bill to stop violent videos and DVDs being sold to children
West Midlands round-up: 29 January 2010
Prime Minister’s Questions: 20 January 2010
Statement on severe weather conditions
Lord Speaker news: 26 January 2010
West Midlands round-up: 15 January 2010
Questions to Lords Secretaries of State
MPs debate the future of Cadbury
Ministers must move on waste mountain reduction
Inquiry looks at young people without jobs or training
South East round-up: 22 January 2010
Statement: Proposals for child exploitation and online protection
Statement: new package for injured service personnel
South West round-up: 15 January 2010
Statement: New code of practice for alcohol retailers
Constitutional reform and governance bill in Commons
Forces may have to merge to support police numbers, say MPs
Treasury Committee publishes response to pre-budget report
London round-up: 29 January 2010