Parliamentary news 2010

Inquiry Announcement
12 November 2010

Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc) Act 2004 (Remedial) Order 2010
12 November 2010

Committee to question Permanent Secretary on the work of DFID
12 November 2010

Committee announces inquiry into the Humanitarian Response to the Pakistan Floods
12 November 2010

Joint Committee publishes report on Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc Bill
12 November 2010

Operations in Afghanistan
11 November 2010

Evidence session on the operation of Family Courts
11 November 2010

Health Committee to hold third evidence session on Commissioning
11 November 2010

New Inquiry: Issues relating to the licensing of taxis and private hire vehicles
11 November 2010

Committee announce new inquiry into strategically important metals
11 November 2010

MPs to inquire into bus services after the spending review
11 November 2010

MPs publish report on Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
11 November 2010

Communites and Local Government Committee oral evidence session
10 November 2010

Second oral evidence session on Government Assistance to Industry
10 November 2010

Second oral evidence session on Government Assistance to Industry
10 November 2010