Parliamentary news 2010

Transport Committee to publish Special Report
14 September 2010

Transport Committee to publish oral evidence
14 September 2010

Appointment Of Dr Martin Weale To The Monetary Policy Committee
14 September 2010

New inquiry: Ministerial Statements to Parliament
14 September 2010

Electoral Commission to give evidence on voting reforms
14 September 2010

UK Space Agency evidence published online
13 September 2010

Support to incapacity benefits claimants through Pathways to Work
13 September 2010

Home Affairs Committee hold their first evidence session of their Firearms Control Inquiry
13 September 2010

Home Affairs hold their third evidence session on the Immigration Cap
13 September 2010

Review: Government’s response to judgments identifying breaches of human rights
10 September 2010

Fixed-term Parliaments Bill report published
In a report published today MPs conclude that the Fixed-term Parliaments Bill addresses an issue of acknowledged political concern, but is unnecessarily rushed and raises a number of legal and constitutional questions
10 September 2010

Public Administration Select Committee to hold inquiry into Quangos
10 September 2010

MPs question Communities Secretary on aspects of his department’s work
10 September 2010

JCHR scrutiny of marriages Remedial Order
09 September 2010

JCHR legislative scrutiny priorities for 2010-11
09 September 2010