Parliamentary news 2011

MPs question Ofgem on Energy Prices and Electricity Market Reform
18 January 2011

Evidence session on work of the Director of Public Prosecutions
18 January 2011

Health Committee publishes report on NHS commissioning
18 January 2011

Foreign Affairs Committee publishes report on Future inter-parliamentary scrutiny of EU foreign, defence and security policy
18 January 2011

Lords Committee examines planned EU financial framework
18 January 2011

Science funding: MPs take evidence from Research Councils
18 January 2011

Lords committee to look at role of audit in banking crises
18 January 2011

Effective road and traffic management inquiry - deadline extension
17 January 2011

Scottish Agricultural College give evidence
17 January 2011

MPs continue scrutiny of Funding of the Arts and Heritage
17 January 2011

Appointment of Specialist Advisers
17 January 2011

Lords Committee on HIV/AIDS publish call for evidence
15 January 2011

Welsh Affairs Committee holds fifth evidence session looking at S4C
14 January 2011

The Welsh Affairs Committee to publish its Fourth Special Report
The Welsh Affairs Committee publish its Fourth Special Report of Session 2010–11
14 January 2011

Home Affairs Committee continues its inquiry into Police Finances
14 January 2011