Parliamentary news 2011

Reform of Common Fisheries Policy: further evidence sessions
19 October 2011

Top UK judges give evidence on judicial appointments process
19 October 2011

Statement from PAC Chair on NAO report on Oversight of Financial Management in Local Authority maintained schools
19 October 2011

Joint Committee publishes report on draft Defamation Bill
19 October 2011

Joint Committee publishes report on draft Defamation Bill
19 October 2011

Lords Committee says EU rules put patients at "unacceptable risk"
19 October 2011

Lords Committee says EU rules put patients at "unacceptable risk"
19 October 2011

MPs welcome broad thrust of Sir David Normington's proposed reforms
19 October 2011

"UK's Energy Supply: Security or Independence?" report to be published
18 October 2011

Publication of Legislative Scrutiny: Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill
18 October 2011

Government and Research Councils UK Peer Review responses published
18 October 2011

Investigating the Investigators: Lords to question Panorama
18 October 2011

MPs question prospective Chair of the NHS Commissioning Board
18 October 2011

MPs take further evidence on the Independent Commisson on Banking Final Report
18 October 2011

Committee takes evidence on roots of violent radicalisation
18 October 2011