Parliamentary news 2011

Catering and Retail Services Response published
12 October 2011

Operations in Libya - first evidence session
12 October 2011

Lords question Information Commissioner and SOCA on money laundering database
12 October 2011

MPs hold session on alcohol guidelines evidence base
12 October 2011

Transport Committee to publish its Eighth Special Report of Session 2010–12
11 October 2011

Sexual Offences Act 2003 report to be published
11 October 2011

Lords probe Private Eye and others on investigations and stings
11 October 2011

MPs ask key questions about health spending
11 October 2011

MPs take oral evidence on the rising cost of motor insurance
11 October 2011

Government Response to the draft Detention of Terrorist Suspects Bills
11 October 2011

Joint Committee heard from former Chancellor and academics
11 October 2011

Metropolitan Police Commissioner and former US Police Chief give oral evidence
11 October 2011

MPs publish report on carbon budgets
11 October 2011

Young drivers give their views on the cost of motor insurance
11 October 2011

Public Accounts Committee publishes report on the Efficiency and Reform Group
11 October 2011