Lords autumn recess written answers and statements
28 September 2011 (updated on 28 September 2011)
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Every week during the autumn recess, from 16 September until 3 October, Lords Hansard publishes the text of all written answers and statements to written questions received by Members of the Lords during the previous week.
Topics on Tuesday 27 September were as follows:
- Bank of England Financial Policy Committee
- data on the extent of bonus claw-backs carried out by UK banks
- benefits and allowances for old age pensioners
- qualifying period under the EU agency workers directive before which agency workers would not be entitled to equal treatment
- biofuels and renewable energy
- ability of the Hamas Government in Gaza to maintain security in the region
- Gulf War illnesses
- the later HIV diagnoses indicator in the final Public Health Outcomes Framework
- guidance on how personal lifestyle can reduce obesity
- student loans
- House of Lords Reform Bill
- religious freedom in Indonesia
- Israel and Palestine
- unfreezing Libyan assets for use by the Transitional National Council
- Peterborough Primary Care Trust
- Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
- policing costs of the Dale Farm evictions
- public procurement and the award of the Thameslink contract
- Mary Portas's review of the UK high street
- Universal Credit
Further information
The House of Lords acts as a check on government. Its Members question the government orally or by written questions.
Lords autumn recess written answers and statements will be collated and published in printed form on Monday 3 October.
Previous questions for written answers and statements
The responses to written answers and statements received from 25 July until the recall of the House of Lords on Thursday 11 August were published in the Official Report of 11 August.