Parliamentary news 2012

Committee to publish report on Debt Management
28 February 2012

Committee to publish report on Debt Management
28 February 2012

Correspondence published from James Murdoch and Met Police
28 February 2012

Treasury Committee calls for further changes to rectify shortcomings of legislation on FCA
28 February 2012

Youth unemployment and the Government’s Youth Contract
28 February 2012

Committee questions Attorney General and senior judge on extradition
28 February 2012

Further evidence on the Freedom of Information Act 2000
28 February 2012

Transport Committee opens oral evidence for local bus market inquiry
28 February 2012

Peers probe industry giants on higher education in science subjects
28 February 2012

Committee takes evidence from Royal Mail on stamp price regulation
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee continues inquiry
28 February 2012

Committee takes evidence from Royal Mail on stamp price regulation
28 February 2012

Water White Paper
27 February 2012

Clegg and Harper face questions on Lords Reform
27 February 2012

MPs to question MOD officials on reforming the Ministry of Defence
27 February 2012

Committee launch inquiry into best practice in workplace pension provision
27 February 2012