Parliamentary news 2012

Publication of Second Special Report
04 December 2012

John Hayes to give evidence to Energy Committee
04 December 2012

Would an Independent Scotland end the UK's Nuclear Deterrent?
04 December 2012

‘Like’ media convergence? Peers seek status update from Facebook, Google and Telegraph Media Group
04 December 2012

Future Army 2020 - Chief of General Staff gives evidence
04 December 2012

Lords EU Committee warn Banking Union could marginalise the UK: Government need to fight for future of the City
04 December 2012

Further evidence on women in the workplace
Witnesses include Dr Margaret Mountford and Hilary Devey
04 December 2012

Further evidence on women in the workplace
04 December 2012

House of Lords Select Committee to look at Intergenerational Fairness
04 December 2012

Sam Laidlaw and Ed Smith evidence session re-scheduled
03 December 2012

The impact and effectiveness of ministerial reshuffles inquiry
03 December 2012

Lords Constitution Committee say Police Complaints Bill may not fulfil its objectives
03 December 2012

Airport executives and conservation groups questioned on airport expansion
03 December 2012

Banking Commission to question Sir James Crosby, Andrew Hornby and Lord Stevenson
03 December 2012

MPs take further evidence on marine science
03 December 2012