Parliamentary news 2012

Committee to take evidence from the Public Prosecution Service
11 January 2012

George Osborne gives evidence on the ICB's final report
11 January 2012

Government social research service give evidence
11 January 2012

Lords Seminar on European Social Fund 2014-20
11 January 2012

Academics questioned on codifying the UK’s constitution
The Political and Constitutional Reform Committee will take evidence on the feasibility and desirability of codifying the UK’s unwritten constitution
11 January 2012

Fuel poverty in the private rented and off-grid sectors
11 January 2012

MPs to question three major children's charities on child protection
11 January 2012

Work and Pensions Committee takes evidence from Pensions Regulator
11 January 2012

Treasury Committee publishes Government response to PFI funding report
11 January 2012

Committee takes evidence from road user groups and safety campaigners
10 January 2012

MPs announce evidence session on risk perception and energy infrastructure
10 January 2012

MPs question David Bermingham
10 January 2012

MPs take evidence on Social Care
10 January 2012

Consumer advocacy plans: Welsh interests must remain focus
10 January 2012

MPs urge Government to review its sensible drinking guidelines
09 January 2012