Parliamentary news 2012

Education Committee explores grading of this year's GCSE English exams
11 September 2012

MPs take evidence on building new nuclear, the challenges ahead
11 September 2012

Annual accountability hearing with the Care Quality Commission
11 September 2012

Publication of Pre-appointment Hearing Report
11 September 2012

Committee publishes findings on the Regional Growth Fund
11 September 2012

Government responses: ATOL reform and flight time limitations reports published
10 September 2012

MPs take evidence on west coast mainline rail franchise
10 September 2012

MPs continue examination of progress towards implementation of Universal Credit
Work and Pensions Committee takes evidence
10 September 2012

MPs to take evidence from Rt Hon Francis Maude MP
10 September 2012

Money to burn? Lords to investigate EU energy decarbonisation and economic growth
10 September 2012

Chair welcomes Government response to Rules for Royal Succession
10 September 2012

Operation of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007
10 September 2012

Committee allocates debates for the remainder of the September sitting
07 September 2012

Call for evidence: Foundation Years - Sure Start children's centres
07 September 2012

Education Committee announce new inquiry
07 September 2012