Parliamentary news 2012

Further evidence on Justice and Security Bill
20 June 2012

Inward Investment in Wales - Government Response received
20 June 2012

Evidence published and witnesses announced for European Union inquiry
20 June 2012

Procedure Committee publishes report on sitting hours
20 June 2012

New Inquiry: Localised Child Grooming
20 June 2012

Lords hear from UN migration expert
20 June 2012

Peers hear from British Sugar
20 June 2012

Committee hear from David Blunkett and Lord Fowler
20 June 2012

MPs take further evidence on bridging the 'Valley of Death'
20 June 2012

MPs take further evidence on bridging the 'Valley of Death'
20 June 2012

MPs seek better regulation to protect Park Home residents
20 June 2012

Happy ever after? New Lords Committee to investigate the adoption process
19 June 2012

Progress with Local Enterprise Partnerships and the Regional Growth Fund
19 June 2012

Progress with Local Enterprise Partnerships and the Regional Growth Fund
Extension of deadline for written submissions and change of date for oral evidence session
19 June 2012

MPs hold one-off evidence session with BBC Director General
19 June 2012